
Dark Sword Painting DVD Release

My Darksword painting DVD is now available, and you can buy it through my website. If you buy it from me, I’ll donate 20% of the price to Children with Cancer. Click here to learn more about it.

Also check out the donation page that Newbold World manages. You will be able to see the contributions adding up. :)

I’ve been taking it easy in the weeks since Gencon. There’s been a lot of gaming and walks in the park. It’s a great time of year for spider watching. Yesterday I saw several different types of Hyptiotes spiders, which are cute and spring-loaded. If you haven’t seen them before, then this video is a real treat. (Not Safe for Arachnophobia) The only one I could find was in in Spanish, but the footage is awesome.

I took a break from painting serious stuff for a while, and did a quick paintjob on the Magical Fairy Princess Ballerina Infantry designed by the peerless Nora Meier and produced by Thunder Bolt Mountain. They are just adorable sculpts, and I’ve got big plans for them in a D&D campaign.